The SHAPE project - SHaring Actions for the Participation and Empowerment of migrant communities and Local Authorities - funded by the European fund AMIF and created in continuity with the CIAK MigrAction project, aims to foster the participation of people with a migratory background in democratic processes and in the design and implementation of integration policies at local, national and European level.
Integration policies tailored to the needs of third-country nationals cannot be built without the direct involvement of people and communities with a migratory background. Even today, these communities struggle to find room and tools to be an active part of socio-political change.
The project SHAPE - SHaring Actions for the Participation and Empowerment of migrant communities and Local Authorities - funded by the European Fund AMIF (Transnational Actions on Asylum, Migration and Integration), has precisely this objective: to encourage the participation of people with a migratory background and migrant civil sociey organizations (CSOs) in democratic processes and in the design and implementation of integration policies at local, national and community level of migrant communities.
More information here: